Register .ie Domain Names

Register Your Free .ie Domain Name Now.


Register Your .ie Irish Domain Name Now. FREE
When ordered with Web Hosting or €29 without Web hosting.


IE Accredited Registrar eirhostWhy Register a .ie Domain Name?

If you are an Irish business trading within Ireland we recommend you register a .ie domain name as your Web Address because it proves that you are a genuine business and that you have a strong connection with Ireland.

There are also much more .ie domain names available
so you can register a quality .ie domain name easily.

More Choice when you buy a .ie Domain Name

Because .ie domain names are only available to register to Irish people or people with a proven connection to Ireland there is a much wider range of new domain names available for you to register.

A .ie Domain Name Proves you are an Irish Business

If you have a business website trading in or trading to Ireland using a .ie domain name shows your customers that you have a proven connection to Ireland or are doing business in Ireland.

Managed Domain Registry

When you register an Irish .ie domain name you are getting the security of a managed domain registry so anyone making a purchase via your site will feel secure knowing that they are dealing with a genuine Irish Business.

The .ie domain registry is a managed registry so it requires proof of entitlement
to your .ie domain name, if your website is a business website a registered Business
Number will suffice.

Every application for a new domain name is checked by the IEDR (Domain Registry of Ireland) so you have the confidence of knowing that only genuine business with a connection to Ireland can register an Irish domain name.

Register Your .ie Domain Name Now.

Enter the domain name you want in the form below and see if it is available.

Why Use Eirhost to register your .ie domain name?

  • We are fully accredited .ie registrars, not resellers.
  • We are an Irish domain name registration company.
  • Friendly advice helping you with the .ie domain registration process.
  • Low Hosting costs starting at €54.90 Per Year or 3 years hosting for only €99.00. That’s €2.75 per month)
  • Reliable web hosting network
  • Over 15 years of experience registering domain names in Ireland.
  • Your Irish .ie domain registration is Free once you order hosting
  • Don’t want Web hosting?
    No problem, register your domain name for only €24.99 +V.A.T. per year.

Domain Name Registration in Ireland has never been easier.

The IEDR (Domain Registry of Ireland) has relaxed the previous restrictions on domain registrations, making it easier than ever for Irish people to buy their domain name.

If you are not running a business and want to register a .ie domain name. If you are based in Ireland all you need is to provide a form of identity such as a photo of your driver’s licence or passport

The .ie domain name is Irelands national web address, so if your company is Irish based or has a genuine connection with Ireland, you should buy your .ie domain name

FAQ’s About registering an Irish .ie Domain Name

How does Google view websites using .ie domain names?

Google views .ie domain names as being from Ireland. This is because the .ie top level domain is managed by an organization called IEDR (Internet Domain Registry of Ireland). This organization is responsible for managing all .ie domain names and ensuring that only businesses and individuals from Ireland can register them.

What are the benefits of having a .ie domain name?

Having a .ie domain name has lots of benefits.

It makes it clear that you’re located in Ireland.

This is great for attracting:

  • Businesses targeting Irish consumers, who want to know they’re buying from a company based in the Republic of Ireland.
  • Irish ex-pats or emigrants wanting to ensure that websites about Ireland are clearly in the country.
  • Irish people looking for information on Irish businesses or services available to them.
  • People living abroad who want to find out about what’s happening in Ireland, get access to news, radio and other content written by Irish journalists.
  • Newcomers to Ireland who want to get familiar with the culture and way of life here quickly.

The. ie domain registry is a fully managed registry that requires you to submit proof of identification before you can register domain. This means that a .ie domain has a much greater level of trust than other extensions such as .com.

Much More Choice when registering a .ie Domain name

because .ie domain names are sold exclusively to people from Ireland there is still a huge number of good domain names out there for you to register. This is a much better choice than with .com domains where you could spend thousands on a good domain name.

Can I get a .ie domain name if I have no connection to Ireland?

No, it is not possible to get a .ie domain name if you do not have a connection to Ireland. The best way to register a .ie domain name is by being based in Ireland or providing goods or services from within the country.

There are exceptions to this such as International Trademark holders or international businesses or currently trading with the island of Ireland.

Contact us for more details.

What is the process for registering a .ie domain name?

The process for registering a .ie domain name is very simple.

You will need to provide some information about yourself such as your name and address, and you will also need to choose a domain name.

if you are registering domain name for an Irish business or company you will need to supply your registered business number.

Don’t have a registered business number?

No problem, if you are registering your .ie domain name to set up a blog or for personal purposes for example, all that will be required is proof of identification such as an Irish passport or driver’s licence. Our technical support team will be able to help advise you on what is required as soon we receive your order.

If you have already registered domain name and still hold it, you do not need to resubmit the documentation.

How do I send the documentation to register my. ie domain name?

Just take a photograph of the identification with your phone and send it to us and we will upload it to the website for you.

Can I transfer my existing domain name to Eirhost?

Yes, it is possible to transfer your existing domain name to us. See our .ie domain renewals page for more details

What are the restrictions on .ie domain names?

There are a few restrictions on .ie domain names. They must be registered by someone located in Ireland or provide goods or services from within the country or be able to demonstrate a connection to Ireland.

How does a school or college register a .ie domain name?

We will require your school or college roll number.

How do I register my .ie domain name if I am representing a statutory body or government agency?

If we can verify online that you are a government agency there will be no need to provide any documentation.

How do I register domain name for a charity?

Did you know that if you are a registered charity with a CHY number or a NIC number if you are based in Northern Ireland your domain registration will be free as well as renewals without the requirement to purchase website hosting.

Contact us to order.
*Price excludes VAT

The .ie domain name is Irelands national web address,
so if your company is Irish based or has a genuine connection
with Ireland, you should register your .ie domain name


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